Integrating Bufo: Bringing God to Earth
5-MeO-DMT—the 'God molecule' found in Bufo—is profound. Here are some tips for integrating experiences with it.
Note: Early-bird registration for our next Apotheosis ends in a little over 1 week. Spaces are filling, so apply now to reserve your space on this profound adventure with Ayahuasca, Bufo, and your soul family in May in Mexico.
At our upcoming Apotheosis retreat in May, we’ll be sitting with Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius.
Last week I shared with all of you about the numinous, world-dissolving effects of Bufo, which contains 5-MeO-DMT, the ‘God molecule.’
Today, I’m going to continue this thread by discussing the process of integrating Bufo.
Integrating Bufo: Bringing Divinity to Earth
Naturally, when people have huge God-revealing experiences with Bufo, it can be a lot to take in.
For many people such an experience is totally paradigm-shattering.
People sometimes don’t know what to ‘do’ with such an experience.
It can seem like what they experience happened ‘some place else’—far away from the demands of daily life on Earth.
So, how to integrate Bufo?
Here are a few tips:
The #1 most important thing about Bufo integration is practicing seeing God in everyone and everything.
What we call ‘the world’ is not separate from Divinity.
It is Divinity.
There is only One in all of existence.
One Nameless Divinity which goes by many names.
A Bufo experience does not happen ‘somewhere else.’
It happens in the only ‘place’ there is: The Eternal Here-Now.
Bufo simply reveals what Life itself is actually ‘made of.’
It reveals Life in an ‘unveiled formless form’ so we can realize what Life really is.
And it turns out that Life is Home.
Life is God.
Life is Love.
Life is Unity.
Life is non-separation.
And it’s totally possible to notice this in your ‘normal’ daily life on Earth.
There are endless ways to connect to Divinity in daily life, and it’s a very personal topic.
Here are a few of the many ways to feel and connect to God daily:
Selfless service
Slow walks or stillness in nature
Writing poetry
Practicing unconditional love
Singing holy songs
Dancing devotionally
And so forth
You have to find the ways that work for you. And…
Drop thoughts, words, concepts, and reference points.
The most profound practices, in my experience, involve silence.
Not merely outer silence, but inner silence.
We learn how to silence the mind.
We discover that living inside of thought and definitions is the #1 thing that blocks us from seeing Life as it is.
Believing our thoughts—believing we already know what Life is—prevents us from directly contacting the Miraculous in daily life.
As such, we must find ways to get out of our usual ‘reference points’ so we can directly contact the Mystery.
The simplest practice I know is to take the perspective of no-perspective.
If only for a few seconds, just completely throw out all opinions, thoughts, definitions, and descriptions of life. As totally as you can.
What is life in the absence of thought?
What is life when you are not labeling it?
You can’t say.
And that’s the point.
It’s a naked mystery.
A presence of unsayable radiance.
Always appearing only here-now.
Spend time there.
Touch in with that unsayable space of direct contact with life-as-mystery.
That is where God hides in plain sight.
That is where God can start to directly teach you what God is.
That is where God can show you that God is not only found in the ‘Bufo realms’…
But that God is right here, right now, closer than your breath…
The One Infinite Energy Field is always right here, right now—expressing itself as ‘the world’ and yet never fundamentally departing from its true nature.
That nature can be seen clearly and directly when we practice dropping labels and feeling sensitively into What Is.
If you’d like to go deeper into this type of practice, I recommend the work of Peter Brown and Joan Tollifson, as well as the guided-meditation channel called ‘Wisdom of the Masters’ on Spotify and YouTube.
Why Find God on Earth?
Why bother with this?
What’s the ‘utility’ of discovering God as the fabric of one’s everyday experience?
Well, in a sense, to ask about ‘utility’ is to miss the point.
God is an end in itself.
God alone is enough.
When you find God more and more, you start to understand what this means.
God is Rest.
God is Home.
God is Peace.
To root one’s life in the Finality of God is like resting as the calm depths at the bottom of the ocean. And even when the surface-level waves of daily life grow choppy, you remain anchored in the peace of God.
This is how we can truly learn to ‘hold space’ for those around us and for all of life. It’s easier said than done, yet it is a real possibility. And regular practice bears fruit.
No one can say precisely what God-recognition will ‘do for you.’
Yet the general tendency is to discover more calm, peace, compassion, joy, and thanksgiving.
We gradually come to see the very mechanism by which we are generating much of our suffering—i.e. believing our thoughts: mistaking our mental stories and opinions for reality and over-clinging to them—and God helps us uproot, purify, or ‘see through’ this mechanism, often alleviating a great deal of suffering.
Life is still painful sometimes. That is part of its teaching and its poetry.
Yet we discover a new relationship with pain. We cease to live so much in our stories and spend more and more time in that space of no-perspective—simply getting curious about the immediate texture of experience here-now. We become fascinated by what is really here in the absence of our stories about it, and this opens up into a revelation that all phenomena are far different from what we had supposed—rich, free, un-stuck, indefinable, miraculous.
We discover with increasing directness that our immediate experience is the Presence of God.
Not God-an-an-object.
Rather, God as Light.
God as pure inconceivable openness.
For many people, this discovery feels like a kind of liberation, redemption, or salvation.
It feels like coming Home.
And this is why one might wish to find God on Earth.
Next Steps…
I hope you enjoyed this read and received benefit from it.
In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing more about Bufo and Ayahuasca. So, stay tuned!
If you feel a calling to experience Bufo and Ayahuasca, consider joining us in Mexico from May 26th – June 1st, 2024, for our next Apotheosis Retreat.
Your $300 discount for early-bird registration ends on March 1st — a little over 1 week away.
Spaces are filling for this intimate event, so now is the time to apply, hop on a call with us, and reserve your space:
If you’ve applied previously you’re welcome to simply go ahead and book a call with us:
If you want to get a vivid taste of Kumankaya Healing Center…
Be sure to watch this video.
I got married at Kumankaya last year and have been bringing people there for years. It is the best place I know of in the world to experience Bufo and Ayahuasca.
Thank you for reading.
You are a gorgeous living poem.
You can trust Life.
With Love,
Jordan Bates & the Apotheosis Team